St. Rose Food Pantry
1 in 11 families in Wisconsin experiences food insecurity. This rate is much higher in Milwaukee and our neighborhood. We hope to help families and individuals who are struggling to provide for their families. The food pantry is open on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month at 4:00 PM. We have food items as well as some other basic household toiletries and clothing.
We are open to all people regardless of if you attend our parish or not. Christ calls us to serve through the works of mercy and this is one of the ways members of our community try to imitate Christ.
Directions to food pantry: once you arrive to St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church, continue south down 30th st. and turn right into the church parking lot directly behind the church. There will be an open garage door at the west end of the parking lot and you may enter there and we will have people to welcome you and show you to the food pantry from there.